ECG Unleashes FraudStopper and VCS to Fight Back Against Toll Fraud
ECG shows off its FraudStopper software at Metaswitch Forum 2012
Metaswitch Forum 2012, Orlando, Fl, October 1, 2012 – Toll Fraud is now a fact of life for VoIP carriers. The bad guys are actively scanning your network right now, looking for a weakness they can exploit to gain access and become your largest reseller of international calls. But you will never get paid for these calls. And oh yes, you will have to pay for them. ECG, with years of experience in carrier VoIP consultancy, brings to bear two powerful tools to stop expensive toll fraud before it becomes expensive.
FraudStopper, ECG’s proprietary fraud detection software, dynamically learns the calling habits of your users, and alerts you when there is an event that is highly likely to be fraudulent. No longer do you have to maintain a list of exceptions in your scripts, and no longer do you have to wade through hundreds of false alarms to find the one real alarm. FraudStopper uses call history on a per-user basis to learn the normal calling patterns of your users, and the real-time call records send an alert within seconds when a user or group is likely to be compromised.
“FraudStopper learns the normal behavior for customers by analyzing historical billing records to determine what is routine for each individual,” said James Puckett, president of ECG. “Statistics are tracked per customer in the User Behavior Database. When international calling occurs that does not match a customer's profile, FraudStopper can detect that change and report the risk.”
Under the hood, FraudStopper’s magic is in the Auto-Learning Analysis Engine. This engine considers each call to answer the question: how likely is this call to be fraudulent? This answer is determined by analyzing the calling party’s typical behavior, and by analyzing the overall system function. ECG has tuned this Analysis Engine through years of experience with many different service providers, and most recently with over a year of FraudStopper implementation at several different providers. ECG knows the latest tricks hackers use to disguise toll fraud, and FraudStopper can respond. Alerts can be sent by email, SNMP trap, or both.
But an alert is only half the battle. Fraud events must be stopped within minutes, or thousands of dollars of fees can be racked up. ECG meets this need for rapid intervention by providing VCS, or VoIP Customer Service, a 24x7x365 center staffed with trained fraud analysts who can respond immediately to fraud in your system, saving you money. Our analysts provide the last line of decision making to make sure that the appropriate steps are taken for each event. The primary center is located in Georgia, USA, and there are backup analysts in North Carolina, the Caribbean, and the Mediterranean so your system will still be monitored even in the event of a natural disaster.
About ECG
ECG is technical consultancy for VoIP, Telecom, and Internet service providers. The technical staff at ECG has been designing and implementing carrier networks since 1995, and brings the value of their experience through troubleshooting, network integration and more. Major vendors, such as Acme Packet, BroadSoft and Metaswitch use ECG for special projects, while carriers including AT&T, TelePacific, and Stage2 Networks use ECG to support their network design and operations.
About Metaswitch Forum 2012
The annual Metaswitch forum brings together communication service providers, technology vendors and expert speakers from around the world. Presenting leading products, best practices, and innovative thinking, Metaswitch and our Mosaic partners are once again hosting more than 200 network operators at the Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel, Orlando, FL, for in-depth discussions on customer premise, network infrastructure and cloud-based solutions. This year’s event runs from October 1-4. For more information, visit, search #MForum12 or follow @metaswitch.
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